

삶에 대한 고민을 그림으로 구현합니다.
Pensé à la vie, réalisé sur la peinture


2022       BA in Painting, Hongik University, Seoul, KR

2018       High School Diploma, Seoul Arts High School, Seoul, KR 


2022 Artist Residency 

<KHB Studio Berlin Residency>, Berlin, DE


<International Summer campus 2022>, Künstlerstadt Kalbe, DE


2022  Group Exhibition

<Group Exhibition of the participants of KHB Studios Berlin>, KHB Studio Berlin, Berlin, DE

 <Group Exhibition of the participants of Summercampus 2022>, in the Galerie 8, Künstlerstadt Kalbe, DE

2022  Group Exhibition

 <진 실재의 천사(The Angel of Reality)>, Space Boloc, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, KR

2021  Group Exhibition,

 <펼쳐 눌러 접은>(Unfolded the folded), Hongik University, Seoul, KR

2021  Group Exhibition,

 한일교류전(Osaka University exchange exhibition), Osaka College of Art, Osaka, JP

2021  Group Exhibition(Participated as Head Director)

홍대앞 거리미술전 <Post to Post>(Hongdae Street Art Festival <Post to Post>), Mapo-Street, Seoul, KR

2020  Artist’s Assistant(Jin Myerson), Seoul, KR

2018~2019  Group Exhibition,

 야외스케치전(Outdoor Sketch exhibition), Hongik University, Seoul, KR

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